STEP 1 - Subscribe
Select your HomeScouting Adventure Club subscription. Choose a monthly payment option or subscribe for a year to save! NOTE: Your payment will begin in September for the HomeScouting Adventure club in exactly how many days the "free trial" states is left.
STEP 1 - Subscribe
Select your HomeScouting Adventure Club subscription. Choose a monthly payment option or subscribe for a year to save! NOTE: Your payment will begin in September for the HomeScouting Adventure club in exactly how many days the "free trial" states is left.
Be Prepared for Innovation
Be Prepared for Imagination
Be Prepared for Inspiration
Baden Powell Institute
In Person, Online, or Both!
Baden Powell Institute is the premier training event for Scout leaders providing supplemental training that sparks innovation, imagination, and inspiration. For 26 years, BPI has helped Scouters hone their leadership, develop new skills, and discover new resources. This Winter, Baden-Powell Institute is taking on a whole new look! You can attend BPI live and in person on February 8, tune in from your computer on February 15, or do both!
BPI continues as both an in-person and digitally delivered event for those who can't attend in person or want to experience the unique offerings online.
BPI In Person
Join us live and in person on Saturday, February 8 at Dalton Elementary/Middle School for BPI In Person!
BPI In Person Includes:
Choice of 5 classes to attend during the day
Light coffee & donuts in the morning
Council Shoulder Strip patch - exclusive to BPI In Person!
Commemorative shoulder cord - exclusive to BPI In Person!
Fee increases to $35 on 1/25
BPI Online
Join us for BPI Online! You'll have access to the entire course catalog, plus live engagements beginning 2.15.25!
BPI Online Includes:
80+ courses of supplemental training for adult leaders on an interactive Baden Powell Institute **10 brand-new courses for 2025!**
Package mailed to your home prior to the event:
Baden Powell Institute Syllabus
Commemorative Patch(es) - exclusive to the online event *# of patches depends on package

By signing up for BPI In Person, you'll gather with hundreds of adult leaders from the Buckeye Council and surrounding areas on Saturday, February 8 at Dalton Elementary/Middle School to learn from one another!
When you register on, you are only registering for the event. At a later date, you will be sent details on how to sign up for classes. All participants will register for five classes for BPI In Person.
BPI In Person participants will receive a Council Shoulder Patch (CSP) and guidebook upon arrival on 2/8. This council shoulder patch is exclusive to participants at the live Baden Powell Institute. During the closing ceremony, you'll receive your commemorative shoulder loop based on years of participation at BPI.
Attendees who participate in person will be able to add BPI Online at a discounted rate.

The Nuts and Bolts of the Eagle Scout Service Project
Scouts BSA Merit Badge Program
Understanding the Eagle Application
Crossover Conversations *new*
Eagle Court of Honor and Beyond *new*
Nature Outdoor Awards for Packs & Troop *new*
Introduction to Dutch Oven Cooking
Knot a Problem
Campfire Program 101
Stop the Bleed
Lashings & Camp Gadgets *new*
Archery & BB Gun Rangemaster Training
Backpacking Essentials *new*
Target & Range Activities in Buckeye Council *new*
Leading Scouts with Disabilities
The Patrol Process: How to use it and trust it.
Creating a Sense of Community in Your Pack
Managing Cub Scout Behavior
Bullying *new*
Managing Conflict within Your Unit *new*
Teaching Scouts to Be Inclusive *new*
Available Adult Training Opportunities & Awards/Knots *new*
Wood Badge *new*
Unit Commissioners: Who are they? What Do They Do?
Unit Commissioners: How to Build Relationships *new*
Unit Commissioners: How to Change Lives *new*
Unit Commissioners: How to be the Heart *new*
Running Effective Pack/Troop Committee Meetings *new*
Tools for Team Communications *new*
Communicating With Hearing Impaired Scouts
How to Plan Your Year of Scouting
Holding a Successful Join Scout Night
Marketing Your Unit
Setting Up A Family Recruiting Event *new*
NOVA *new*
Planets & Stars *new*
High Adventure Trip Planning *new*
Team Building Games and Why Do We Do Them
Flag Etiquette
Energizing Gathering Activities for Cub Scouts
Cub Scout Games
Crafting with Cub Scouts
It's not Glamping, It's Cub Camping
Modern Crafting Technologies in Scouting
Maker Spaces in the Buckeye Council

If you register for BPI In Person, you will attend five, one-hour classes throughout the day on February 8.


Beginning in January, all participants registered for BPI in person will begin registering for their five, one-hour courses at BPI In Person. Details on where to register for courses will be emailed to all participants when course registration opens for their wave.
Course registration will occur in waves based on when participants registered. See the schedule below.
Participants 1-100 = Wave 1
Course Registration Opens 1/2 for Wave 1 participants
Participants 101-200 = Wave 2
Course Registration Opens 1/9 for Wave 2 participants
Participants 201-300 = Wave 3
Course Registration Opens 1/16 for Wave 3 participants
Participants 301-399 = Wave 4
Course Registration Opens 1/23 for Wave 4 participants
Example: if you're one of the first 100 participants registered for BPI In Person, you will have first choice of courses to take during the day.
By signing up for BPI Online, you'll gather with hundreds of adult
leaders from across the country on Saturday, February 15 and all
spring-long on the virtual campus here at! Baden
Powell Institute (BPI) is a premiere training event providing courses
that spark innovation, imagination, and inspiration.
You’ll have access to the entire course catalog of 80+ on-demand supplemental training courses. We’ve designed this program to meet your needs with all classes digitally delivered and on demand – tune in on your time, and get the training you need.
All BPI Online participants will receive a package in the mail prior to the event with their event patch(es) exclusive to BPI Online, a commemorative shoulder loop exclusive to BPI Online, and printed guidebook.
Anyone can participate, whether they are from Buckeye Council or not. Simply register below for BPI Online.


By signing up for BPI, you will have on-demand access to all courses beginning 2/15 throughout the spring! Each course has its own dedicated webpage with videos, connected resources, and activities. If you participated in BPI 2024, there will be at least 10 new courses for 2025!
Understanding the Merit Badge Program
The Eagle Scout Service Project
The Eagle Scout Application
The Essentials of Merit Badge Counselor
Eliminating Roadblocks for Eagle Candidates
Knot a Problem
Shooting Sports in Scouting
Basic Woodcarving
Cub Scout Knife Safety and Whittling
GPS Navigation for Rank Advancement
Dutch Oven Cooking
Basic Map & Compass Reading
Preparing for a Disaster Drill
Dutch Oven Cooking
Scoutbook for Den Leaders
Using Social Media in Scouting
Using the BSA Brand Center to Market Your Unit
3D Printing in Scouting
Navigating Online Resources for Scouting
Pinewood Derby Tips and Tricks
Advanced Pinewood Derby Tips and Tricks
Making Virtual Meetings Exciting
Cub Scout Crafts and Games
Adventures at the Summit
Ohio Division of Wildlife Resources for Scouting
Knot a Problem
Conduct a Fantastic Campfire Program
Camping with Cub Scouts
Ohio Park Systems for Cub Scouts
High Adventure: The Impact to Your Unit
New NCAP Rules for District & Council Events
Making Virtual Meetings Exciting
Active Shooter Training
Guide to Safe Scouting & Camping
We Are Able! - Leading Scouts with Disabilities
Bullying Prevention in Your Unit
What is Wood Badge?
Anxiety in Youth Today
Unit Fundraising: Enabling the Adventure
What is NYLT?
1 Hour a Week- Scouting and Life Balance
Committees: Who and Why?
Unit Commissioners: Who are they & why do I have one?
Commissioner Tools
Diversity in Scouting
Suicide Prevention in Scouting
Unit Budgeting
Annual Program Planning
PALS: Parents as Leaders. A Shared Leadership Model
Gender and Identity in Youth
Managing Stress & Avoiding Burnout
Gender Identity in Youth
Mentally Awake
Mental Health First Aid
If It's Broke, Fix It.
Getting Your Cub Scout Family to Work as a Family
First Year at 7R - Leader Tips & Tricks
What Makes a Good Scout Leader Minute?
Managing Cub Scout Behavior
The Patrol Process: How to Use It & Trust It
Stealth Bullying: What It Is & How to Deal With It
Growing through Connective Relationships
Conflict Resolution
Communication Within The Unit
Questions Effective Leaders Should be Asking
Utilizing Cubmaster & Scoutmaster Minutes
Running an Effective Cub Scout Committee Meeting
Holding a Successful Join Scout Night Event
Succession Planning
Retention: Best Kept Secrets
Webelos to Scout Transition
Enhance Your Den Meetings with the Den Leader Hub
Strengthening Relationships with Schools
**course list subject to change**

BPI will take place on the virtual Baden Powell Institute! This is a virtual, interactive campus that provides access to all content for BPI.
If you've participated in any HomeScouting programs delivered by the Buckeye Council, this is similar to the Virtual Campground for Cyber Summer Camp, the ClubHouse for the HomeScouting Adventure Club, or the Virtual Race Course for Cyber Sled Race.
In Person
Discover a robust training opportunity available for all adult leaders in the Buckeye Council and surrounding areas!
BPI In Person Includes:
Choice of 5 classes to attend during the day
Light coffee & donuts in the morning
Council Shoulder Strip patch - exclusive to the in person event
Commemorative shoulder cord - exclusive to the in person event
Fee increases to $35 on 1/25
BPI Online
beginning 2.15.25
Discover a robust training opportunity available for all adult leaders in the Boy Scouts!
80+ courses of supplemental training for adult leaders on an interactive Baden Powell Institute
Package mailed to your home prior to the event with items all exclusive to the online event:
Baden Powell Institute Syllabus
Commemorative Patch
BPI Online
beginning 2.15.25
Discover a robust training opportunity available for all adult leaders in the Boy Scouts!
80+ courses of supplemental training for adult leaders on an interactive Baden Powell Institute
Package mailed to your home prior to the event with items all exclusive to the online event:
Baden Powell Institute Syllabus
Commemorative Patch
Metallic Commemorative Patch
Ghosted Commemorative Patch
By signing up for the Master's Package, you will receive the BPI Trio patch set!