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A Brief History of Baden Powell Institute & The Buckeye Council

2000 - 2024

Buckeye Council’s annual Baden Powel Institute (BPI) was first presented in 2000 and was held at the facilities of Stark State College with 84 Scouters attending. The event was initiated by Buckeye Council’s Program director at the time, Don Schneck.  He along with the Council Training Chair determined there was need to give Scout Leaders additional training that would prepare them to attend Wood Badge Courses.

To meet that goal, the overriding principle for BPI courses was to provide training on topics that the Scout Leader could take back to their Units that was not being provided in their position specific training. We asked Scout Leaders to “become a student for one day in a college-like atmosphere that provides a no-nonsense look at Scouting.” 

During the first year, Mr. Schneck recruited several Scout leaders from the Council to establish a Committee that would oversee the event and by the third year the event was completely planned, managed and executed by the Committee with oversight from a Council Staff Representative.

A recognition system was devised for the first BPI event that awarded a color loop cord that was intended to be worn as a shoulder loop.  After each subsequent year of attendance a different color cord was awarded and with “graduation” after the four years and a special brown cord with a wooden toggle was award.  In subsequent years of participation after graduation, different colored wooden beads were awarded that could be added to the graduation cord.  A Special shoulder loop has been designed for the 2021 course with a toggle that provides a mask to commemorate this unusual year.

In 2003 BPI moved to the Kent State Stark Convention Center and remained there through 2017. In 2018 the event moved to the Dalton Middle School in Dalton, Ohio to provide a centralized location for the event.  This year, of course with the ongoing pandemic the event has been hybridized, utilizing a virtual format and an in person event. 

A Look Through Past Baden Powell Institutes

History of the Buckeye Council


Bernie Miner

Buckeye Council Commissioner

Bernie Miner is a long time scouter in the Buckeye Council where he has served in many capacities that include Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, District Roundtable Commissioner, and as an occasional member of the Hetuck District's Eagle Boards. Bernie is the lead for the Council's Campmaster Corp and also is a member of the Council's Properties Committee. Miner is a holder of the Council's Fifth Year Pipestone Camp Honors Award and is a Vigil member of the Sipp-O Lodge of the Order of the Arrow. He is also a recipient of the Scoutmaster Award of Merit, District Award of Merit, and has been awarded the Silver Beaver. Bernie was instrumental in the establishment of the Xi Upsilon Chapter of the National Service Fraternity 

Alpha Phi Omega at the University of Mount Union and served as the Chapter's Advisory Board Chair for over ten years. He was recognized for his service to APO with Scouting's Service to Youth Knot. Currently he serves the Buckeye Council as Council Commisioner. Bernie is a retired Contracts Administrator for the Lockheed Martin Corporation and lives in Jackson Township, Ohio with his wife of 50 years, Sally. 

The Buckeye Council has a long and storied history. This course will cover the history of our council's camps, districts, and service boundaries.


Created by the Buckeye Council, Boy Scouts of America  |  2301 13th St NW, Canton, OH 44708

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