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Scroll down to find information about joining Scouting, Baden Powell Insti, register for Family Adventure Camp, and explore Hutch's Online Trading Post! 


Baden Powell Institute

Baden Powell Institute is the premier training event for Scout leaders providing supplemental training that sparks innovation, imagination, and inspiration. For 26 years, BPI has helped Scouters hone their leadership, develop new skills, and discover new resources. This Winter, Baden-Powell Institute is taking on a whole new look! You can attend BPI live and in person on February 8, tune in from your computer on February 15, or do both! 

BPI continues as both an in-person and digitally delivered event for those who can't attend in person or want to experience the unique offerings online.

Join Scouting

Cub Scouting is more than just an activity. It’s adventure, learning, and discovery around every corner. From STEM, to exploring the outdoors, your son or daughter will be on the path to discovering their very best “future self”- and they’ll have fun doing it! Learn more about joining, enroll in the free trial, and download resources to share scouting's story!


Popcorn Resources

The annual popcorn sale remains an excellent opportunity for Scouts and units to fund their entire Scouting program for the year. With the rising cost of membership fees, a successful popcorn sale is critical to the stability of our units. The pandemic provided some significant challenges and changes to our traditional approach to selling the past couple of years which allowed us to analyze how we sell and implement new strategies. 


Family Adventure Camp

Cub Scout Family Adventure Camp is an overnight camping experience designed to give both new and existing Cub Scouts an exciting adventure at the start and end of the new school year! While at the event, Scouts will get a taste of what Cub Scouting offers through camping, shooting sports, games, fishing, crafts, campfires and spending quality time with their family!


Hutch's Online Trading Post

Welcome to Hutch's Online Trading Post! Purchase gear for your favorite Seven Ranges Camper and have it shipped directly to your house for free!


Created by the Buckeye Council, Boy Scouts of America  |  2301 13th St NW, Canton, OH 44708

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